
草原的作文英文三年级 第一篇

Chifeng, my hometown in Inner Mongolia, is from the nearest prairie in Beijing. There is a beautiful, cow fat Mazhuang with flocks of cattle and sheep. This is the boundless grassland.

It is my home. It is a unique landscape. When you stand on the green grass and look at the distance, you will feel relaxed and happy.

Then there are endless grassland, wild flowers everywhere, here a cluster, and then In clusters, the grassland is too vivid and colorful, like a piece of land embroidered with a large number of colorful patterns.



草原的作文英文三年级 第二篇

Last summer vacation, I went to three cities to play. They were Beijing, Dalian and Hohhot. Beijing is the capital of China.

Beijing is a big city. I know Beijing very well. It takes an hour and 40 minutes to fly from Nantong to Beijing.

There are many tall buildings in Beijing. My family visited the Great Wall, the summer palace, the Forbidden City, the Beihai Park and the space museum. I went to Beijing Boating and fishing in the country are very interesting.

I bought a lot of souvenirs and other things in Wangfujing. I like to eat Beijing snacks. They are delicious.

Beijing roast duck is really good. Dalian is a beautiful city. Dalian is very close to Beijing.

I spent five minutes on the plane by the sea. I smelled the salty air. The road is clean.

There are many trees and flowers on the road. There are many bathing beaches and Japanese buildings. There are some fountains in one of the squares.

Some people fly kites and take a walk on the beach. We went to see the beach and the sea. The sea is blue.

There are a lot of swimmers on the beach. I lie on the beach and look at the sky. Dalian is a very good place to live.

Hohhot is in Inner Mongolia. There are many grasslands. The grassland is boundless.

The sky is bright blue. There are many horses and sheep. They are running or eating grass.

I rode a horse on the grass. I picked some colorful flowers on the grass. We drank tea.

There was a little desert where there was milk. When I was there, I saw a little desert It's very hot when I walk on it. The sand helps me open my eyes and I enjoy my day.





草原的作文英文三年级 第三篇

Grassland Tourist Zones

In the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,the area of grassland is 880 000 square kilometers, or accounting for per cent of the nation’s total,the leading of China’s five largest grasslands.

From east to west,are scattered grassy marshland, typical grassland, wideness grassland,grassy wildernessd desert as well as hilly grassy marshlands, low wet and grassy marshland, and marshy grassland, distributed randomly anywhere.

Major grassland tourist zones include the Hulunbuir,Xilin Gol,Xila Muren, Huiteng Xile and Gegen Tala.

From May to September,the lands are covered with green grass and flowers,with big herds of cattle and sheep grazing in the meadows, ribbon-like rivers,pearl-like lakes and yurts resided by the mongolians. They all constituted beautiful and majestic pictures.


在内蒙古自治区,有880 000平方公里草原面积,占全国的,中国五大草原之首。从东到西是分散的沼泽地,典型的草原,七仙女草地,长满草的沙漠荒野以及丘陵草原湿地,低潮湿和长满草的沼泽地,沼泽草地随机分布。主要的草原旅游区域包括呼伦贝尔、锡林郭勒盟,辉腾锡勒和 格根塔拉草原。从5月至9月,土地覆盖着绿草和鲜花,在草地放牧着大群的牛羊,带状的河流,湖泊和蒙古人居住在蒙古包里。他们都组成了美丽和雄伟的图片。

草原的作文英文三年级 第四篇

Grassland is a beautiful place for Mongolian people. Many Mongolians call grassland their home. They migrate from one area to another, and their animals live on these grasslands.

There are many beautiful plants there, just below the mountain. Rich in natural resources, evergreen, children like to play in the grassland, there are many sports competitions, is the symbol of Mongolia.



草原的作文英文三年级 第五篇

Good morning to the people of Inner Mongolia, ladies and gentlemen, today, I would like to introduce my beloved hometown Inner Mongolia to you. It has been many years since the birth of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on May 1. Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located in the northern border of China.

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region covers an area of 10000 square kilometers and has a population of about 10000 people, representing dozens of different ethnic groups We will all come to the vast grassland, Inner Mongolia grassland accounts for one fourth of the total grassland area of the country. There are countless sheep, cattle and horses living on the vast grassland. The Inner Mongolia grassland and two generations of Mongolian people live on the grassland.

These two grasslands are the hometown of Mongolian people. Hulunbeir lives the enthusiasm of two generations of people there. As long as you come to the herdsman's home, you will be able to live in the grassland You will be warmly entertained by roast mutton and milk tea.

What's more, you can also enjoy the beautiful Mongolian songs and dances. It is no exaggeration to say that Mongolian people are born singers and dancers. When you step on the grassland, you will find that it is indeed a real hometown of song and dance.

Neimenggu still maintains its own national characteristics, and at the same time, it also tries to keep pace with the development of the modern world Vara, Ordus is a world-famous brand, Yili and Mengniu are both famous dairy industries, which greatly improves the living standard of our Mongolian people. I believe that as a college student, we Mongolian people will make contributions to our hometown. I am very clear that my mission is to master solid knowledge and do well for my beloved hometown one day/.



草原的作文英文三年级 第六篇

I like grassland. It's wide and beautiful. I like summer vacation very much.

So I look forward to summer vacation every summer. I go to Inner Mongolia for vacation. I like to walk on the grassland after supper or ride horses in the afternoon.

No matter where you go, the sky is blue and the air is warm. You can always see green trees, neat grass and colorful flowers. They are really great.

There are many Mongolian camps in Inner Mongolia. This is a traditional city. I really enjoy myself.

There is nothing better than here.



草原的作文英文三年级 第七篇

The grassland is a beautiful place in Mongolians refer to the grassland as their move from one area to another and their animals survive on these are many beautiful plants and is situated just below the is rich with natural resources and green all year love to play in the grassland and there are many sporting competitions held is the symbol of Mongolia.


草原的作文英文三年级 第八篇

At Home in the Savanna

My name is Dopal. I’m eleven years old and I live in 1)Tanzania, in the heart of the African 2)savanna. I’m a Masai. Masais are 3)nomads who travel all over with their animals, looking for 4)pasture. Our most wonderful and valuable possession is our herd.

I’ve never been to school. My father teaches me everything I have to know. He explains to me how to lead our herd. My own animals are in the middle of the herd. Every Masai gets a cow, a lamb, and a goat the day he’s born. Our most beautiful goat belongs to my father. Her name is Olliye. I love her, even though she’s not always easy to handle.

Olliye is going to have a baby very soon. My father knows Olliye is my favorite, but he always reminds me that we must love all our animals as if they were our children. My father knows all about nature. He shows me some cheetah tracks. Our herds have lots of predators like 5)hyenas, lions, and 6)leopards. A Masai has to be ready to risk his life for his herd. A shepherd must always listen for different sounds and watch to make sure the animals walking behind don’t get lost.

All Masais have their own animals, even the girls. They become their 7)dowry when they get married. The animals are also used in trade for food in the market. My people have always been shepherds. We’re not farmers. For us, the earth is 8)sacred, and we mustn’t hurt it by planting things.

Like all boys, I dream of becoming a 9)warrior. A warrior has to be strong and intelligent. He’s the one who defends the herd against wild beasts. He sometimes travels long distances to bring back lost animals, and he also watches over our safety. Masais go through three stages: childhood, warrior, and elder. I’ll be a warrior from thirteen to twenty-five years old, before I become an elder like my father. Then I can get married and have children.

草原的作文英文三年级 第九篇

I love the Inner Mongolia prairie. My hometown is Chifeng, which is from the nearest grassland in Beijing. There is a beautiful Mazhuang with cattle and sheep.

This is the boundless grassland in my hometown. It is a unique scenery. When you stand on the green grassland and look into the distance, you will feel relaxed and happy.

Then the boundless grassland is covered with wild everywhere Flowers, here in clumps, and then in clusters, the grassland is too vivid and colorful, just like a green carpet on the earth embroidered with a large number of colorful patterns, just like green grass, a group of sheep in the snow dotted, make the grassland more beautiful and magnificent, cattle and sheep fat, we are strong, herdsmen's whip toss around, and then the crisp whips, reverberate in the grass Originally, it is a kind of national spirit of singing and dancing and striving for strength. During the festival, they wear festive clothes, gather together, sing and dance, sing sweet songs, like the grass on the undulating River in the distance, like a silver crystal belt, winding to the distance of fragrant leaf poplar are thirsty, they will come here to drink water, clear, sweet water Living things forage on the grassland, them happy on the green grassland. I'm proud of you.

I'm proud of you. I love the Inner Mongolia prairie........


我爱内蒙古大草原我的家乡内蒙古赤峰,来自北京最近的大草原,那里有一个美丽的,牛羊肥壮的马庄,牛羊成群,这是我的家乡一望无际的草原,一道独特的风景,当你站在那绿油油的草地上望向远方,你会感到轻松和快乐,然后一望无际的草地上,到处都是野花,这里一丛丛,然后一簇簇,草原上点缀得太生动多彩了,就像大地上一块绿色的地毯上绣着大量的五颜六色的图案,就像绿草一样,一群羊在雪地的点缀下,使草原更加美丽壮丽,牛羊肥壮,大家壮壮起来,牧民的鞭子抛来抛去,接着清脆的鞭子声,回荡在草原上,是一种载歌载舞、奋发图强的民族精神,节日期间,他们穿着喜庆的服装,聚在一起,载歌载舞,唱着甜美的歌声,像远处流动的波涛起伏的小河上的小草,像一条银色的水晶带,蜿蜒伸展到远方的香叶杨儿都渴了,他们会来这里喝水,清清楚楚,甜美的水生物在草原上觅食,使它们在绿色草原上快乐生活着美丽的草原,我为你骄傲,为你骄傲我爱内蒙古大草原。 。

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