
奉献英语初中作文 第一篇

Gettyurg Address eighty seven years ago, our fathers founded on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, and now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing this country, or any country so conceived and dedicated, that we were in that war We have come here to dedicate part of this battlefield to a final resting place for those who gave their lives for the survival of this country. It is entirely appropriate for us to do so, but in a larger sense, we can't give, we can't consecrate, we can't consecrate this land. The warriors who fought here, whether alive or dead, have consecrated this land, far more than our meagre power to add or subtract the world.

What we say here will hardly be noticed or remembered for a long time, but it will never forget what they have done here. We, the living, should be here to devote themselves to the unfinished work they fought for. So far, we have made such noble progress.

We should devote ourselves here to the great task before us. From these glorious dead, we should devote ourselves to the cause for which they gave their last and all dedication. We are determined here The dead will not sacrifice in vain.

Let this country, under the leadership of God, be born with a new , and the government of the people, by the people and for the people, will not disappear from the earth.




奉献英语初中作文 第二篇

How to succeed? Dice is the first element of success. Dice helps us sweep away ignorance, overcome difficulties and open our minds. It makes people ignorant and the poor are full of dedication.

It is another factor of success. No matter what we do, we must love it and do it wholeheartedly. Only when we make up our mind to work, perseverance or strong will are the last key to success.

Without strong will, we are likely to give up when we encounter difficulties.



奉献英语初中作文 第三篇

Gettyurg Address eighty seven years ago, our fathers founded on this continent a new nation conceived in liberty, dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether this country, or any country so conceived and dedicated, can last long. We are here in a great place where we are here to dedicate a part of the battlefield to the final resting place of those who gave their lives for the survival of this country.

It's perfectly appropriate for us to do so, but in a larger sense, we can't dedicate, we can't consecrate this land, we can't worship the brave men who live and die here. The struggle to sanctify it here is far more than our poor power to add or subtract. The world will pay little attention to and will not remember what we say here for a long time, but it will never forget Remember what they did here.

For us who live, we should devote ourselves to the unfinished work that the men who fought here have so far advanced, rather than let us stay here. We are committed to the great task before us, and from these glorious dead, we are more dedicated to the cause for which they gave their last and all. We are here highly determined that the dead will not be sacrificed in vain, so that a new will be born in this country under God, and that the people's government and the people's interests will not disappear from the earth.




奉献英语初中作文 第四篇

He was born in, graduated from the University of Michigan and entered the heart to heart talk magazine in. In, he was a gentle and persistent man. He was very conscientious in his work and was very strict with his work.

He was willing to provide help and support for his colleagues. His dedication made a great contribution to heart to heart talk. His colleagues respected him very much in the last few days of his life.

He showed optimism and strong will. We deeply regret his death and wish him and his family our best wishes.


奉献英语初中作文 第五篇

Teacher Lin always puts the responsibility first. She helps students who are not good at study in her spare time. She devotes herself to education.

Miss Lin is a rural teacher. She has saved money for her treatment. She has won a personal achievement award.

Her dedication and touching deeds are worth learning from our college tuition and her former students.



奉献英语初中作文 第六篇

The government of the people, by the people and for the people will not disappear from the earth. 87 years ago, in the Gettyurg Address delivered by our forefathers in Gettyurg, Pennsylvania, a new nation conceived in was founded on this continent. We are now engaged in a great civil war to test whether this country, or any country so conceived and dedicated, can endure the great war of this war for a long time Meeting on the field, we are here to dedicate part of this war, as the last resting place for those who gave their lives for the survival of this country, and we are perfectly appropriate to do so, but in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot sanctify this land, we cannot sanctify the warriors who fight here, whether they are alive or not And remember that little of what it can do here, or what it does in the world, will never be forgotten.

For those of us who are alive, we should devote ourselves to the unfinished work that the people who fight here have so far advanced. On the contrary, we should devote ourselves here to the great task before us, not to the deceased who are respected from these tasks. We have paid more attention to the cause for which they gave their last and all dedication, and we are here with high determination, These dead will not die in vain, so that this country, under the leadership of God, will have a new , and the government of the people, by the people and for the people will not disappear from the earth.




奉献英语初中作文 第七篇

(some people say that luck is the key to success, while others say I think it is hard work. There are many factors for success. The three basic elements are dice, dedication and perseverance.

Dice is the first key factor of success. Dice helps us eliminate ignorance, overcome difficulties and open our minds. This makes people ignorant.

Dedication is another factor for success, No matter what we do, we must love it and do it wholeheartedly. Only when we are determined to do it can we do it well. Moreover, perseverance, or strong will, is the last key to success.

Without a strong will, we are likely to give up when we encounter difficulties, let alone perform wonderful songs. All great men succeed through dice, dedication and perseverance. Just as the famous saying goes, xxxyou can get something for nothingxxx and xxxwhere there is a will, there is a way.xxx.



标签: 新学期

奉献英语初中作文 第八篇

My Mother isa kind and gentle is always very takes good care of her children and keeps them all at have one brother and two she gets four children in gives us every all love her and she loves us also.

My mother has too much to do in bringing us our family is too poor to keep a servantmy mother has always to do very much gets up very early and sleeps very late every works hardyet without complaining.

She is also a thriftyand industrious saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in she has been busy eversince she was youngshe looks older than she really face is wrinkledher hair becomes silver whitebut she works as hard as ever.

Often she says to usxxxwork while you workplay while you you do not workyou will become lazy and of no use to society.xxx What piece of good advice this is!We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind.